
Zen Within Me


Divination Manifestation Spell Box

Image of Divination Manifestation Spell Box

Divination Spell Box (Enough for 2 spells) Only 1 available!
The rest will be available for pre-order and contents may vary such as crystal type, timing stones color, and incense scent.

Contents of the box are as follows:

- 1 Initials, Traits & Features Oracle Deck to aid in determining what is in store for 2024
- 1 set of Timing Stones to aid in determining timing of your endeavors
- 1 Yellow Turquoise bracelet to enhance intuition, creativity, and personal power
- 1 Angelite necklace to improve spiritual awareness and provide peaceful energy
- 1 Amethyst Triple Moon Goddess key chain charm to bring balance to your body and soul
- 1 Florida Water Soap (use to daily to cleanse negativity away)
- 1 Isis Divination Bath Salts (for one bath or to dissolve for one shower wash)
- 1 Isis Divination Perfume
- 1 Book of Sandalwood Incense Matches
- 1 Small vial of my personal intuition and divination oil, enough to dress both candles
- 2 White Tealight Candles for 2 manifestation spells (1 each)
- 1 Instructions/info included

Give this box as a gift, keep it for yourself or share it with someone special. Enchanted items can be charged for you personally before being sent out for no additional charge. Just tell me your name so that I can charge them for you. If you'd like to give it as a gift, let me know what their name is, and I will charge it for them. Crystals, candles, oil, perfume, soap and bath salts are enchanted items.

Peace, Love and Blessings to you always!